This website is dedicated to the works of Manly P. Hall, a great occult scholar, philosopher and sage,

as a sign of deep respect and gratitude.

15 травня 2013 р.

Esoteric Alchemy: The Transmutation of Attitudes

    Raymond Lully, who was one of the great early alchemists, once pointed out that the great tragedy of the concept of alchemy was the transmutation of metals. Basil Valentine, a monk of St. Bennett, had the same thought when he wrote into one of his books, "WOE TO THE GOLD MAKERS!"

28 лютого 2013 р.

How to Choose a Religion or Philosophy Most Appropriate to Your Own Needs


     In these days when nearly everyone is looking for some type of spiritual guidance, the religious situation seems to suggest a certain amount of thoughtfulness. As you realize, religion is finely a very personal matter, and while religions as groups have vast followings, each member of such groups is an individual. And it is impossible to assume that the individual working from within himself and from his own patterns of experience is going to interpret a faith in exactly the same way as his neighbor.